Saturday, August 30, 2008

wonderful nite w the 1978 gang =o)

29 August 2008 : the gang of 1978 gang of peasants - EW, JT, GL, RZ & the royal eunuch - gathered at the Highlander bar for dinner & drinks. We were ushered to this really long table illuminated by these lovely multi-colored lights. Perfect.. juz perfect cos' it makes me very pleased =o)

I ordered a Rib-eye Highlander Angus Steak & 1 pint of Highlander Lager.

My steak was really yummy... just check out what a happy camper i was with my dinner right in front of me. =B

The Highlander lager was just so refreshing too....

The next destination was Nectarie le'Dessert Patisserie ... totally bourgeois... the direct antithesis of a respectable peasant chill-out place. The cakes were nice.... but I would still prefer my regular peasant cakes from the neighbourhood stores. =o)

It was a really nice evening out with the 1978 gang... arh.... such outings fill me with a sense of well-being hahah.... =o)

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